Infrequent (29)

Cast Iron Plant - Aspidistra elatior

Cast Iron Plant

Aspidistra elatior

From $35.00

Purple Hopseed Bush - Dodonaea Viscosa Purpurea

Purple Hopseed Bush

Dodonaea Viscosa Purpurea

From $8.50

Desert Spoon - Dasylirion wheeleri

Desert Spoon

Dasylirion wheeleri

From $42.00

Century Plant - Agave americana

Century Plant

Agave americana

From $9.00

Variegated Century Plant - Agave americana Marginata

Variegated Century Plant

Agave americana Marginata

From $8.00

Fox Tail Agave - Agave attenuata

Fox Tail Agave

Agave attenuata

From $8.00

New Zealand Flax - Phormium Amazing Red

New Zealand Flax

Phormium Amazing Red

From $35.00

Variegated Dwarf Agave - Agave desmettiana 'Variegata'

Variegated Dwarf Agave

Agave desmettiana 'Variegata'

From $12.00

New Zealand Flax - Phormium Bronze

New Zealand Flax

Phormium Bronze

From $28.95

Octapus Agave - Agave vilmoriniana

Octapus Agave

Agave vilmoriniana

From $14.00

Golden Barrel Cactus - Echinocactus grusonii

Golden Barrel Cactus

Echinocactus grusonii

From $59.00

Artichoke Agave - Agave parryi var. truncata

Artichoke Agave

Agave parryi var. truncata

From $42.00

Creeping Fig - Ficus repens

Creeping Fig

Ficus repens

From $9.00

Winter Gem Boxwood - Buxus 'Winter Gem'

Winter Gem Boxwood

Buxus 'Winter Gem'

From $6.75

Blue Glow Agave - Agave 'Blue Glow'

Blue Glow Agave

Agave 'Blue Glow'

From $49.00

Tom Thumb New Zealand Flax - Phormium 'Tom Thumb'

Tom Thumb New Zealand Flax

Phormium 'Tom Thumb'

From $10.85

Our Lord's Candle - Yucca whipplei

Our Lord's Candle

Yucca whipplei

From $35.00

False Agave - Furcraea foetida 'Mediopicta'

False Agave

Furcraea foetida 'Mediopicta'

From $36.00

White-Striped Century Plant - Agave americana var. medio-picta 'Alba'

White-Striped Century Plant

Agave americana var. medio-picta 'Alba'

From $9.50

Ray of Light Fox Tail Agave - Agave attenuata 'Ray of Light'

Ray of Light Fox Tail Agave

Agave attenuata 'Ray of Light'

From $37.95

Trailing Jade - Senecio jacobsenii

Trailing Jade

Senecio jacobsenii

From $12.00

Twin Flowered Agave - Agave geminiflora

Twin Flowered Agave

Agave geminiflora

From $49.95

Weber's Blue Agave - Agave tequilana

Weber's Blue Agave

Agave tequilana

From $39.00

Caribbean Agave - Agave angustifolia 'Marginata'

Caribbean Agave

Agave angustifolia 'Marginata'

From $34.00