Storm Preparation for Your Home


El Nino Preparation is a must for Southern Californians.  We’ve all been warned that the infamous El Nino is making its way back to SoCal. But while we continue to enjoy blue skies and warm temperatures, it’s easy to ignore the threats of harsh weather. Why not take advantage of this calm before the storm to prep your home… Better to be safe than sorry with these helpful tips!


  1. Rain barrel: Attach it to your downspout to collect rainwater for other uses.  Try a makeshift rain barrel with a rubber trashcan & attach a hose spigot to the bottom. You can water your veggies for weeks!
  2. Sand bags: It’s never a bad idea to have a few on hand if the water starts rising.  Use them around doorways, garage doors, or anywhere where there is a low threshold where water can find it’s way in.
  3. Flexible rubber spray: We have all heard the annoying infomercials, but it does come in handy.  Seal up those windows and rain gutters.
  4. Lock graphite: A small tube of lock graphite may only cost about $5 but it will save big headaches when trying to get in your house.  In cold wet weather, key holes can become stiff & sometimes inoperable.  Treat all key holes with graphite before the harsh weather to keep your keys turning smooth.
  5. Frost cloth: Covering your tender succulents & perennials when temps drop below 40 degrees can mean the difference of life or death for your plants.  Buy frost cloth from a local hydroponics store…or a nursery shade cloth can work too.
  6. Backflow Preventer: Sometimes known as an ‘RP’ device (Reduced Pressure), it keeps tainted water from back flowing in to your domestic line.  In heavy rains, water can become polluted from herbicides & other chemicals.  When/if flooding occurs, your sprinkler heads can act as an inlet for unclean water.  The Backflow Preventer ensures water will only move in one direction in the sprinkler lines, thus preventing polluted tap water.
  7. Rain sensor: Installing a device such as a Hunter Solar Sync, will tell your sprinkler controller to turn off in wet conditions. This allows you to conserve water & avoid over-watering your vegetation.
  8. Soil stabilization: Many plants are great for soil stabilization, such as Myoporum or Trailing Acacia. Ideally, they should have been planted at least a year ago so the root systems can take hold.  The quick fix is Jute Netting…comes in long rolls & can be staked to slopes to help retain soil during storms.
  9. Prep your trees: Young trees can sometimes be uprooted or crack at the trunk under higher winds & heavy rains.  Staking your trees with 8 foot lodge poles & rubber ties will keep the tree standing strong. Don’t forget to trim your trees. Powerful storms can result in fallen dead limbs and debris.
  10. Hot chocolate: It will be raining a lot, so take some time to enjoy the gift and watch it come down from the comfort of your home.

We hope this helps for your El Nino Preparation.  If you have additional suggestions we would love to hear from you!

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