Rabbit Resistant (28)

Wormwood - Artemesia Powis Castle


Artemesia Powis Castle

From $8.00

Elfin Thyme - Thymus Serpyllum 'Elfin'

Elfin Thyme

Thymus Serpyllum 'Elfin'

From $27.00

Kleina (Blue Chalk Sticks) - Senecio mandroliscae

Kleina (Blue Chalk Sticks)

Senecio mandroliscae

From $4.25

Golden Toothed Aloe - Aloe Nobilis

Golden Toothed Aloe

Aloe Nobilis

From $14.00

Creeping Myporum - Myoporum parvofolium Puta Creek

Creeping Myporum

Myoporum parvofolium Puta Creek

From $7.50

Tree Aloe - Aloe Arborescens

Tree Aloe

Aloe Arborescens

From $12.00

Black Spurge - Euphorbia Black Bird

Black Spurge

Euphorbia Black Bird

From $12.00

Barbara Karst Bougainvillea - Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst'

Barbara Karst Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst'

From $32.00

Desert Spoon - Dasylirion wheeleri

Desert Spoon

Dasylirion wheeleri

From $42.00

Century Plant - Agave americana

Century Plant

Agave americana

From $9.00

Fox Tail Agave - Agave attenuata

Fox Tail Agave

Agave attenuata

From $8.00

Variegated Dwarf Agave - Agave desmettiana 'Variegata'

Variegated Dwarf Agave

Agave desmettiana 'Variegata'

From $12.00

Octapus Agave - Agave vilmoriniana

Octapus Agave

Agave vilmoriniana

From $14.00

Golden Barrel Cactus - Echinocactus grusonii

Golden Barrel Cactus

Echinocactus grusonii

From $59.00

Rock Cotoneaster - Cotoneaster horizontalis perpusillus

Rock Cotoneaster

Cotoneaster horizontalis perpusillus

From $7.00

Bloody Cranesbill - Geranium sanguineum

Bloody Cranesbill

Geranium sanguineum

From $7.00

Silver Dragon Lilyturf - Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon'

Silver Dragon Lilyturf

Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon'

From $7.00

Gold Sedum - Sedum rupestre 'Angelina'

Gold Sedum

Sedum rupestre 'Angelina'

From $9.00

Lamb's Ear - Stachys byzantina

Lamb's Ear

Stachys byzantina

From $6.95

Blue Spruce Stonecrop - Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce'

Blue Spruce Stonecrop

Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce'

From $9.00

Pink Muhlygrass - Muhlenbergia capillaris

Pink Muhlygrass

Muhlenbergia capillaris

From $9.00

Adam's needle - Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard'

Adam's needle

Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard'

From $45.00

Mickey Rockrose - Cistus x hybridus 'Mickey'

Mickey Rockrose

Cistus x hybridus 'Mickey'

From $12.00

Prostrate Acacia 'Low Boy' - Acacia redolens 'Low Boy'

Prostrate Acacia 'Low Boy'

Acacia redolens 'Low Boy'

From $6.75

Rabbit Resistant: Let’s face it, rabbits eat plants! However, there are certain plants they tend to stay away from. Selecting rabbit resistant plants can keep the garden looking nice and lush. It’s important to remember that no plants is 100% rabbit proof, but these plants have proven to resist these furry garden pests. In general, plants that have fuzzy foliage, rigid spiked leaves, or have leathery texture, will detour rabbits. Most popular plants for the Southern California area are Nepeta, Lavender, Yarrow, Artemisia, Lamb’s Ear , and many others! If you need help making the right selections for your landscape project, please contact us !

Rabbit Resistant: Let’s face it, rabbits eat plants! However, there are certain plants they tend to stay away from. Selecting rabbit resistant plants can keep the garden looking nice and lush. It’s important to remember that no plants is 100% rabbit proof, but these plants have proven to resist these furry garden pests. In general, plants that have fuzzy foliage, rigid spiked leaves, or have leathery texture, will detour rabbits. Most popular plants for the Southern California area are Nepeta, Lavender, Yarrow, Artemisia, Lamb’s Ear , and many others! If you need help making the right selections for your landscape project, please contact us !