Rabbit Resistant (28)
Rabbit Resistant: Let’s face it, rabbits eat plants! However, there are certain plants they tend to stay away from. Selecting rabbit resistant plants can keep the garden looking nice and lush. It’s important to remember that no plants is 100% rabbit proof, but these plants have proven to resist these furry garden pests. In general, plants that have fuzzy foliage, rigid spiked leaves, or have leathery texture, will detour rabbits. Most popular plants for the Southern California area are Nepeta, Lavender, Yarrow, Artemisia, Lamb’s Ear , and many others! If you need help making the right selections for your landscape project, please contact us !
Rabbit Resistant: Let’s face it, rabbits eat plants! However, there are certain plants they tend to stay away from. Selecting rabbit resistant plants can keep the garden looking nice and lush. It’s important to remember that no plants is 100% rabbit proof, but these plants have proven to resist these furry garden pests. In general, plants that have fuzzy foliage, rigid spiked leaves, or have leathery texture, will detour rabbits. Most popular plants for the Southern California area are Nepeta, Lavender, Yarrow, Artemisia, Lamb’s Ear , and many others! If you need help making the right selections for your landscape project, please contact us !