Shade Plants

Shade Plants

Solve the problematic shady areas in your landscape with these beautiful plants!

Solve the problematic shady areas in your landscape with these beautiful plants!

Shade Plants (76)

Cast Iron Plant - Aspidistra elatior

Cast Iron Plant

Aspidistra elatior

From $35.00

Yesterday Today and Tomorrow - Brunfelsia pauciflora

Yesterday Today and Tomorrow

Brunfelsia pauciflora

From $28.00

Star Jasmine - Trachelospermum Jasminoides

Star Jasmine

Trachelospermum Jasminoides

From $8.00

Dwarf Yeddo Hawthorn - Rhaphiolepis Umbellata Minor

Dwarf Yeddo Hawthorn

Rhaphiolepis Umbellata Minor

From $26.00

Myers Fern (Fox Tail Fern) - Asparagus densiflorus Myers

Myers Fern (Fox Tail Fern)

Asparagus densiflorus Myers

From $7.85

Red Chinese Fringe Flower - Loropetalum chinense rubrum Burgundy

Red Chinese Fringe Flower

Loropetalum chinense rubrum Burgundy

From $34.00

Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo - Nandina Domestica Harbour Dwarf

Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo

Nandina Domestica Harbour Dwarf

From $11.25

Everblooming Gardenia - Gardenia jasminoides Veitchii

Everblooming Gardenia

Gardenia jasminoides Veitchii

From $11.00

Irish Moss - Sagina subulata

Irish Moss

Sagina subulata

From $28.00

Spottled Nettle - Lamium maculatum White Nancy

Spottled Nettle

Lamium maculatum White Nancy

From $9.00

Variegated Kohuhu - Pittosporum tenuifolium Marjorie Channon

Variegated Kohuhu

Pittosporum tenuifolium Marjorie Channon

From $39.00

Mock Orange - Pittosporum tobira

Mock Orange

Pittosporum tobira

From $7.00

Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo - Nandina domestica Nana

Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo

Nandina domestica Nana

From $7.25

Gold Dust Plant - Aucuba japonica Variegata

Gold Dust Plant

Aucuba japonica Variegata

From $39.00

Dwarf Mondo Grass - Ophiopogon japonicus Nanus

Dwarf Mondo Grass

Ophiopogon japonicus Nanus

From $9.00

Black Mondo Grass - Ophiopogon planiscapus Nigrescens

Black Mondo Grass

Ophiopogon planiscapus Nigrescens

From $14.85

Heavenly Bamboo - Nandina Domestica

Heavenly Bamboo

Nandina Domestica

From $7.25

Scotch Moss - Sagina subulata Aurea

Scotch Moss

Sagina subulata Aurea

From $28.00

Princess Flower - Tibouchina urvilleana

Princess Flower

Tibouchina urvilleana

From $49.00

Red Leaf Banana - Ensete ventricosum Maurelii

Red Leaf Banana

Ensete ventricosum Maurelii

From $42.00

New Zealand Flax - Phormium Yellow Wave

New Zealand Flax

Phormium Yellow Wave

From $38.00

New Zealand Flax - Phormium Pink Stripe

New Zealand Flax

Phormium Pink Stripe

From $42.00

Japanese Maple - Acer palmatum Bloodgood

Japanese Maple

Acer palmatum Bloodgood

From $190.00

Shade Plants: For shaded areas, selecting the proper plants is absolutely crucial. There are many wonderful shade-loving plants that will thrive in these conditions, providing a lush and attractive environment. In fact, many plants that are suitable for shade have incredibly dramatic foliage creating vibrancy and interest! When the proper plants are selected, shade gardens can be incredibly rewarding and beautiful! Some of the most popular part-shade to shade plants are Loropetalum , Azalea , Liriope , Heuchera , Hydrangea , Ajuga , and Japanese Maples , just to name a few! If you need help making the right selections for your landscape project, please contact us !

Shade Plants: For shaded areas, selecting the proper plants is absolutely crucial. There are many wonderful shade-loving plants that will thrive in these conditions, providing a lush and attractive environment. In fact, many plants that are suitable for shade have incredibly dramatic foliage creating vibrancy and interest! When the proper plants are selected, shade gardens can be incredibly rewarding and beautiful! Some of the most popular part-shade to shade plants are Loropetalum , Azalea , Liriope , Heuchera , Hydrangea , Ajuga , and Japanese Maples , just to name a few! If you need help making the right selections for your landscape project, please contact us !