Tropical Garden
Create a lush, bold-leaved tropical oasis right in your own backyard!
Create a lush, bold-leaved tropical oasis right in your own backyard!
Tropical Garden (125)
Cast Iron Plant
Aspidistra elatior
From $35.00
Yesterday Today and Tomorrow
Brunfelsia pauciflora
From $28.00
Star Jasmine
Trachelospermum Jasminoides
From $8.00
Variegated Hebe
Hebe variegata
From $8.00
Dwarf Yeddo Hawthorn
Rhaphiolepis Umbellata Minor
From $26.00
Torch Lily (Red Hot Poker)
Kniphofia Uvaria
From $10.85
Australian Brush Cherry
Eugenia paniculata (myrtifolia)
From $31.00
Myers Fern (Fox Tail Fern)
Asparagus densiflorus Myers
From $7.85
Sweetshade Tree
Hymenosporum Flavum
From $199.00
Edible Fig Tree
Ficus Carica
From $59.00
Brisbane Box
Tristania (Lophostemon) conferta
From $79.00
Red Chinese Fringe Flower
Loropetalum chinense rubrum Burgundy
From $34.00
Society Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea
From $6.50
Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo
Nandina Domestica Harbour Dwarf
From $11.25
Variegated Society Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea Silver Lace
From $8.25
Little Ollie Olive
Olea europaea Little Ollie
From $29.00
Cupaniopsis anacardioides
From $79.00
Everblooming Gardenia
Gardenia jasminoides Veitchii
From $11.00
Sweet Pea Bush
Polygala x dalmaisiana
From $7.25
Maidenhair Tree (Ginkgo Tree)
Ginkgo Biloba
From $129.00
Irish Moss
Sagina subulata
From $9.00
Parrots Beak
Lotus berthelotii
From $12.00
Glossy Abelia
Abelia x Grandiflora
From $9.00
Tropical Garden: Tropical gardens are characterized by taller-growing palm-like tree such as Strelitzia and Syagrus , with dense understory foliage with an array of textures and colors. Larger-leafed plants such as Philodendron are often seen along with contrasting plants like Tradescantia , Cordyline , and Caladium.
Tropical Garden: Tropical gardens are characterized by taller-growing palm-like tree such as Strelitzia and Syagrus , with dense understory foliage with an array of textures and colors. Larger-leafed plants such as Philodendron are often seen along with contrasting plants like Tradescantia , Cordyline , and Caladium.